Alexandria Smith, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Alexandria (Allie) Smith, PT DPT, has been a physical therapist at ACCESS since 2017. She worked at the Early Childhood Campus previously, and she now see's clients at the ACCESSAcademy Campus serving a range of school-aged children. Prior to joining the ACCESS team, Allie received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Central Arkansas with a focus on Pediatrics. She is very passionate about helping each client find a type of movement that they enjoy and in which they can participate in a way that suits them. She is a Program Director for ACEing Autism, as well as participating as a member of the planning committee for ACCESS's tennis fundraiser , ACCESS Open: Serving Success. In addition, she is a coordinator and coach for ACCESS in the Special Olympics. Allie loves being part of a multi-disciplined team at ACCESS, that brings all different skill sets and approaches to help a client to succeed.

In addition to participating in ACCESS fundraisers, Allie enjoys running, playing tennis, and baking in her free time.