When a baby is born with special needs or a child is diagnosed with developmental disabilities, many people have no idea where to turn to for support and help. Liane Meadors recognized this problem as a teenager in a small farming community in Eastern Arkansas when her friend’s family could not find services for their son with Down syndrome. She decided at that time she would pursue a career that would help the child and family work to develop that child into a valued member of the community, providing resources and services to help them to grow.
Liane is the Physical Therapy Team leader at the ACCESS Stella Boyle Smith Early Childhood campus. She has been a physical therapist on this campus for almost six years and served as team leader for the last four years. Prior to coming to ACCESS, Liane worked for 32 years for Arkansas Easter Seals. Liane began her career at Arkansas Children’s Hospital in 1982 after completing a Bachelor degree in physical therapy at the University of Central Arkansas. Through the years, her passion has been working with babies and their families. She believes early intervention is so important for the children we serve, and the sooner it starts, the better the outcome will be for the child. Liane helps her clients and their families to recognize the child’s potential and work toward their goals. In addition, she has had the pleasure of seeing her clients become lawyers, pilots, and even therapists.
Liane is NDT certified in pediatrics and babies and has attended numerous other courses related to orthotics, the premature infant, and gait training. She has mentored countless physical therapy students and is passionate about teaching anyone who will listen how to interact with a child with special needs. Liane's choice to join the ACCESS mission was fueled by the team atmosphere fostered by the therapy department. Each classroom has a dedicated team of teachers and therapists who work together to help each child. It is so important to see how each piece fits together to make the child whole successful.
Liane's children call her the Baby Whisperer. Whenever she is in a situation where there is a frazzled parent and a screaming or irritable baby, she brings to work her love of babies and children. A calming touch, a little laughter, silly songs, and a little movement seem to be magic! Liane is unsure how many children’s lives she has impacted, but her plan is to continue changing the future for one child at a time.