
  • Giving Through Love: The WORTH Scholarship

    Thanks to the Morris family, ACCESS is honored to present the WORTH scholarship - Worthy of Reaching Tremendous Heights. Read more about how the Morris family continues to honor their grandson by helping others build the brighter future they deserve.

  • Young man standing in front of a wall filled with heart artwork

    Drew Aston: A Brighter Future Realized

    Meet Drew, who by the way, uses Andrew as his “professional” name. He’s smart, focused, energetic, funny, and EMPLOYED! What you don’t see is the invisible village that walks with him every day. Read more about how the experts at ACCESS helped Drew realize the bright future he enjoys today.

  • Mental Health and Individuals with Learning Disabilities

    Since 1949, May has been the designated month for Mental Health Awareness. Each year, ACCESS joins other organizations such as Learning Disabilities of America (LDA) in the movement to help fight stigma, provide support, educate the public and advocate for individuals with learning disabilities who also struggle with mental health issues.

  • Grace Pomtree

    Discovering Answers for Grace Through the AERC

    If I had a bit of advice to impart, it would be to get your child tested early, and push for accommodations. We always need to be advocates for our kids. I wish we had had the benefit of the knowledge provided by this testing much earlier in Grace’s academic career.

  • Adapting, Understanding, and Growing at ACCESS Early Childhood

    Milo started exhibiting some concerns at his daycare just prior to his 3rd birthday, and his teacher suggested that he be evaluated for autism and other developmental delays. When the testing was complete, I toured several preschools and knew immediately when I walked through the front door of ACCESS, this was the place I wanted Milo to be. I loved the focus on literacy, the hands-on multi-sensory approach to teaching, and the dedication to the creative learning process.

  • Living a Full Life with CES Waiver Services

    Life can bring many surprises and lots of joy. Thirty-three years ago, my daughter Claire was born. As a nurse, I thought I knew what to expect, but boy were my eyes about to be opened. After Claire survived a fetal maternal hemorrhage, yes, lots of uncertainty was to come. Long term, Claire has Cerebral Palsy, but with the help of ACCESS, she has thrived.

  • Message of Gratitude from Executive Director Tammy Simmons

  • What is Dyslexia and How Can ACCESS Help?

    Language and learning disorders are not as uncommon as one might think among children in the United States, even those students with average or above average intelligence. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD), 1 in 5 children in the U.S. have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia.

  • The Importance of Community Support During Unprecedented Times

    As an organization, ACCESS has been celebrating 25 years of service all academic year. Through the years, our vision continues to drive our common belief for which this organization was founded. It is a reminder of our purpose and the critical services we provide for a vulnerable population.

  • Independence and Community Integration Through CES Waiver Services

    ACCESS® Expert Explains How CES Waiver Services Can Improve Independence and Community Integration for Individuals with Special Needs -Melissa Thomas, M.S. SLP-CCC, Director of Clinical Operations

  • Expanding Potential: The Value of Outpatient Therapy

    Upon arriving at ACCESS Outpatient Therapy several years ago, Stella had many milestones to meet. As a parent, you may feel any number of emotions while seeking special help for your child. Our path, as special needs parents, is different.

  • Expanding Potential: Eloise's Success Though Early Intervention

    “Happy. Loving. Determined.” These are the three words Mandy and Eric Wright use to describe their oldest daughter Eloise. Those traits have served Eloise well as she works to overcome developmental delays.